Once Upon a Time...
Back in 1995, John Kaufhold, with a culinary background and an extensive history in food service, decided to buy a local restaurant in Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Because you can’t have a restaurant in the Curd Capital of America without the big cheese, it was here that John perfected the art of the breaded cheese curd. One day, he bought some curds from Ellsworth Cooperative Creamery down the road, breaded them himself and served them at the restaurant, where they lasted about ten seconds.
Seeing the potential for cheese greatness, John teamed up with his brother Scott and purchased the land next door to create Kaufhold’s Kurds first home, where the Kaufhold brothers realized they’re better in business together than they are apart. Since then, Kaufhold’s Kurds has been continuing to perfect the breaded cheese curd, focusing on giving customers more of what they want, like flavor variety and boldness, and less of what they don’t, like greasy fryer-oil residue and excessive breading.
Today, John’s daughter, Renee Drummond and her husband Anthony handle the day-to-day operations of the business as the President and CEO, respectively. They bring great charisma and professionalism to this cheesy company and love providing customers all across the United States with premium quality, all-natural, Wisconsin cheese curds done the old-fashioned way – by hand!
The classic curd in its purest form and the true crowd-pleaser.
The curd with a kick, made with whole, fresh jalapeños, perfect for when you want to spice things up.
The curd for garlic-enthusiasts everywhere, made with fresh, whole garlic cloves.
The curd that hot sauce lovers have always wanted now is ready to be served.
Bayside curds that collide traditional east coast flavors with fried cheesy goodness.